
MEV as a company and the employees of MEV undertake to abide by a code of conduct in their work. This code of conduct also includes appropriate consequences in the event of non-compliance with the same. Important aspects of our Compliance Guidelines are

  • Ensuring the confidentiality of our business partners
  • Complying with the provisions of privacy policy and insider information
  • Prevention of corruption and bribery

We train our employees continuously regarding the current legal situation and we also inform our business partners about the statutory framework conditions. The aim of training and information is to provide reliable guidelines for acting in business-related and personal interactions. This serves to protect our business partners, our employees and provide protection to third parties and also the company itself.

Extract from our projects

Here we have provided an extract of our projects, hospitals and nursing homes, which we have made supplies to as a general contractor or sub-contractor or even adapted.


Our project in Jakarta!